Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
primary school
And so, after yesterday's episode of interview break-in, we commenced our campaign in the primary school (a.k.a our sister school, i.e. SK Convent Green Lane) this morning.
It started off with their normal routine of singing a patriotic song before their teacher - in - charge introduced us to the assembly. One of our teacher advisors, Pn Gan, briefly explained to the primary students what our campaign was about.
Pn Gan doing the introduction |
Then, she presented us to the assembly to proceed with further clarifications. Lisa took over the mike (in actual fact, loud - hailer) and explained that their help was essential to the campaign's success. She made it short and sweet. I (Rebekah) was up there with her and noticed the awe - struck expressions on their faces. It seems that they did not know about the dire state the orangutans are in. At least that's what I interpreted from their faces. Oh well, now we know how much work we have to do to get the message across. :)
Lisa handed the assembly back to the teacher - in - charge and with that, we can officially carry out activities in our sister school, spreading awareness on the importance of saving the endangered species of orangutans.
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Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
primary school
Not too long ago, we left the primary school to start a new life in high school..and in the process, be introduced to Add Math, zits and the need for co - curricular marks... but that's beside the point. Just yesterday, three of our group members were given the chance to revisit the place of our childhood (okay so technically we haven't exactly become adults yet but hey, who wants to get technical right?). Entering the primary school was like a walk down memory lane but Rebekah, Lisa and Rachel (that's me!) were not about to be deterred by the fond memories of primary schooling. With one objective in mind, we proceeded to have our first encounter with the Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid (PKHEM for short) of SK CGL. Gathering our courage, we knocked on the office door.
At first, we had hoped to meet with an ex - teacher because having been a former student, it would have been easy to build rapport. But luck was not with us and the fearsome Ms. Jenny stared us down as we crossed the threshold. Smiling politely (to be truthful I guess we looked kinda nervous) we advanced to her desk only to be greeted with a curt "Yes? What do you want?". Flabbergasted at this crisp greeting, we managed to pull ourselves together enough to mumble incoherently. Thankfully, Rebekah 'came to her senses' and hurriedly started to explain our part in the campaign and what it was all about. As we relayed our purpose and conveyed as best as we could, how the students could be involved in the campaign and how it would greatly benefit the orangutans, Ms. Jenny gradually lost her edge and listened attentively to all we had to say. After we had finished describing the project, the formidable dragon - lady gave us the thumbs up and encouraged us to start campaigning in the primary school A.S.A.P. Lady Luck had apparently smiled on us after all and we left victorious at having overcome another hurdle.
Today, we went to see the primary headmistress not wanting it to seem that we had bypassed her and gone only to see the PKHEM (boy, would that have been a fiasco). We had come at an inopportune time and interrupted an interview. Mercifully, our teacher, Pn. Gan stepped in and did the talking for us. Soon after that, she rejoined us to say that we had the been given the go - ahead from Pn. Mariani. All smiles, we did not hesitate to thank her and returned in haste to our Add Math class.
And thus, we shall be enlightening our younger counterparts about our campaign tomorrow. Being able to involve them will definitely be a major step in our operation.
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Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
secondary school
Rebekah explaining the campaign to the morning session students |
Showing the T-shirt samples |
Ladies and gentlemen, be proud to meet, the saviours of the planet! As today was the official launching of our ‘for the love of orangutans’ campaign. During assembly, when everyone was ‘bright and awake’, Pn. Lim (that’s our beloved principal) was asked to inaugurate what was soon to be a vicious process of saving…. hopefully.

Our beloved headmistress Pn. Lim giving a word or two before launching our campaign.
Standing at the assembly area, our campaign leader explained our cause, objectives and well, the main reason why we were standing in the sun. Then, Pn. Lim took over, adding spice to create further awareness among the pupils, then… she got side-tracked, but oh well… at least we are now OFFICIALLY, orangutan armour. Kudos all.
Lisa and Sze Lyn explaining the campaign to the afternoon session |
The students listening eagerly |
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Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
secondary school
Rebekah, Jia Hui and Rachel discussing the project plans with our principal, Puan Lim. |
After getting approval from our teacher advisor, Puan Yon, we paid a "visit" to the principal in her office to inform her of our activities and also to get her approval. We had to let the headmistress know of our activities and confirm that we were not about to overstep the school boundaries or break the rules in the process of running our campaign. Getting the green light means we can launch our campaign on Monday. Hope to see you guys there!
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Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
secondary school
Pn. Yon, our teacher advisor giving her opinion on our plans. |
Rebekah explaining our plans to Pn. Yon |
On the 24th of September, we(Rebekah, Lisa and Rachel) met with Puan Yon to inform her of our plans. Giving detailed explanations, we ensured that none of our activities broke the school rules or inconvenienced the students in any way. We exchanged opinions with our teacher and decided on the best possible way to execute our activities. Revving to go, we left the office determined to run the campaign well and determined to fulfill our mission in saving the orangutans.
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Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:
And the campaign starts..
We would like to kick-start the campaign on our Facebook page.
We encourage all our readers to join the page if you have a Facebook account. You can get the link through our
Please refer to the post 'We are on Facebook!' dated September 8th 2010.
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